Mount Everest 2017

Summit Push…. no updates in the next days

So, after a few days of waiting we are going for our Summit Push tomorrow (11.05.2017). Don't have an exact Summit day yet (maybe between 16th and 20th of May) as we need to check the weather in a few days. Once we leave tomorrow, there won't be Internet and updates....

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Full relaxation program (New Tingri – Shelkar – 4330m)

Full relaxation program (New Tingri – Shelkar – 4330m)

After returning to BC on the 4th we started our "full body rest program" The return hike from ABC to BC (close to 17km) was quite exhausting (ony one day): So now as we have prepared our bodies we have to wait for the actual "Summit push". Therefore the CTMA needs to...

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Rest day at ABC

After finishing the rotation we spend one more day here at ABC (approx. 6380m). We are still waiting for a final schedule as the CTMA (China Tibet Mountain Association) is still discussing about who is fixing the ropes for the last section (8300m - 8848m). There will...

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Return to ABC – Summary of our rotation

After two nights it’s time to end our first (and only rotation). All went better than expected. Yes the initial ascent to North Col. was very exhausting, but now I think this was mainly due to the heat in the down suit which is too hot for me. The small one hour hike...

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Full day at North Col. (7050m)

What a beautiful morning up here! a few Sherpas are already going up to Camp2. We also took a small hike towards Camp2 (approx. 7800m) but the weather turned. When Bastian and Oliver turned around I went a bit further, until I realized I’m the only one on the route...

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Climb to North Col. (7050m)

4 hours and 58m - below the limit from Russel Brice from the series „Everest - Beyond the Limit“ - Yippi! It was a tough hike/climb. Not so much technically but very exhausting. One issue is, that I don’t have as much warm cloths as other members, so I was the only...

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Advanced Base Camp (ABC – 6380m)

Here we spend a few more days for acclimatization and our "Rotation" to North Col. This is for our body to get used to those heights. We also had another Puja and tried to get rid of headaches and short breath 🙂 ABC Post from RICOH THETA. #theta360 - Spherical Image...

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Walk to ABC (6380m) (via Intermediate- / Middle- Camp) (VIDEO)

Yesterday and today we made our way to ABC (with one night at Intermediate Camp). I’ve done better videos than this one - but you should get an idea how it looks like.Garmin route to intermediate Camp (battery empty for IC to ABC) Theta 360 between BC and IC Post from...

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360° Images

Thanks to Oliver (one or our other expedition members) and his Ricoh Theta S camera (360°) I can show some nice images: (use your mouse to drag the image - click on the Theta symbol for a link to a fullscreen version) Basecamp on 14.04 (when we arrived) Basecamp on...

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Timelapse Basecamp (14.04.2017)

Timelapse Basecamp (14.04.2017)

See how our dome is build... (uploading this with the internet connection of 5170m was not easy!!!) This is how Tibet Basecamp looks on 21.04 (now everyone should have arrived). Not too crowded at all!

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a small hike to 6090m

a small hike to 6090m

Today a small hike to a hill at 6090m (and yes: the Sherpas call it a hill). Very though but better as expected. 4hours getting up - considering this is about the same as Huayna Potosi which took 5.5 hours. I think I'm fit enough. For any "regular hiker": 920m...

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Puja (prayer ritual)

Puja (prayer ritual)

Today we had our Puja. A Lama (priest) came to our camp and Sherpas and clients were receiving blessings. As anyone who knows me understands that I’m not that much into religion, this was actually a very nice ceremony! (And with this mountain, I should consider...

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Day 3 at Basecamp

Day 3 at Basecamp

Getting used to living here. Some extremes: Thursday night: -13°C in the tent Friday: +34°C in the tent (sun shining) Friday night: snowing (I’m now using the „big -40° sleeping bag“)   Difficulties: with the -20° sleeping bag sometimes too cold with the -40°...

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Arrived in Everest Base Camp (Tibet) – 5165m (approx.)

Arrived in Everest Base Camp (Tibet) – 5165m (approx.)

Today we arrived at Everest Base Camp (China). We are one of the first and it is quite empty so far. We arrived before our gear so we and our Sherpa’s had to wait a bit. Our Sherpas are so awesome - really great guys! It is way more comfortable than I thought it is....

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New Tingri – Shelkar (4330m)

New Tingri – Shelkar (4330m)

Yesterday we drove from Xigatse to New Tingri. Again quite a long drive. In the morning we first tried to get more SIM cards for the other group members, and as Daniel and I were successful at last with SIM cards from both, China Telecom (which needs China devices,...

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Xigatse (3840m)

Xigatse (3840m)

Traveling to Xigatse today... VERY slow... 8 hours for 250km... driver only going 40km/h - apparently as there is a speed limit enforced by section control. hard to believe as EVERYONE was passing us.... continuing our acclimatization

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Lhasa Day 2

Lhasa Day 2

Sightseeing tour - main attraction of course:  Potala Palace (where the Dalai Lama used to live). Really impressive - just look at the pics (but as always hard to capture). Just try to imagine what an impression this made on Heinrich Harrer and Peter Aufschneiter back...

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Arrived in Lhasa / Tibet (3650m)

Arrived in Lhasa / Tibet (3650m)

Today we finally arrived in Lhasa. Only approximately 19 hours later than scheduled - new record for me in regards to flight delays, hope this one stands forever. On the maps below you can see the distance between Lhasa and Chengdu in relation to Kathmandu! We left...

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The long mile …. to Lhasa

The long mile …. to Lhasa

  We started today, 7:30am local time (Kathmandu) for Lhasa (Tibet).   Flight to Lhasa is 1:30min - so you would expect this is done in no-time!!!!?   Well, it is now 01:00am (local time) ---- in Chengdu (Sergenti Hotel) which is further away from Lhasa...

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Sightseeing Kathmandu

Sightseeing Kathmandu

Visiting several sites including: Swayambhu (स्वयम्भू) aka Monkey Temple Boudha Stupa Garden of Dreams Kathmandu Durbar Square Budhanilkantha Temple nice day - but enough temples now 🙂

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Arrived in Kathmandu

25 degree C and the sun is shining !!!! I'm really feeling great about this group. Such experienced people around me -   makes me feel save. Also Andy Holzer is really inspirational: Lukas (tour operator)...

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Training: current status

Training: current status

  Training a lot on „Summit Trainer“: Once had the opportunity to train on a stepmill ( - really good! (500 floors) -...

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Training: Ski & Hiking

Training: Ski & Hiking

24.12.: 3 hours skiing 25.12.: 3 hours hiking (Heuberg, 1154 altitude difference - in deep snow, see pics) 26.12.: 3 hours skiing 27.12.: 3.5 hours hiking (Heuberg, 207 min. total, 1:35 for 1086m alt.difference - 684m/hour!!!)  

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Training: Wildspitze

Training: Wildspitze

Day 1: technical training with Alex Bluemel ( (fixed rope, crampons, ice screws, rock-tunnel, etc...)   Day 2: Wildspitze (3768m) via east-ridge (Jubilaeumsgrat). What a fantastic day! Really enjoyed it - Thanks to Alex -...

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A new adventure…

A new adventure…

It's been some time since the World-Tour in 2012/2013 so it's time for something new. So I signed up for Everest in 2017 (April/May). Why not? I signed up with Lukas Furtenbach for the north route from Tibet/China:...

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