We started today, 7:30am local time (Kathmandu) for Lhasa (Tibet).
Flight to Lhasa is 1:30min – so you would expect this is done in no-time!!!!?
Well, it is now 01:00am (local time) —- in Chengdu (Sergenti Hotel) which is further away from Lhasa then Kathmandu!!! (way further!!!!)
Hopefully tomorrow we get to Lhasa….
The whole story in short:
Flight was scheduled for 11:30
When we arrived delayed to 12:30
We boarded
Sweated in the plane for one hour (technical defect)
got out of the airplane
waited (got some lunch)
boarded again at around 4pm
flew towards Lhasa
Whether => redirected to Chengdu
China immigration (without China Visa – we “only” have one for Tibet)
We made the best out of it and had some really nice street food across the street (Hotel restaurants already closed)
keep on thinking positiv!!!!