by Martin | May 21, 2017 | Featured, Mount Everest 2017
I did it!!!! Yippi!!! Sunrise at Everest!!!! more details later…. (when I have better Internet – currently on the way back to Kathmandu via Lhasa – in Shigatse) Summit picture (from Video): Summit Video Gipfelmoshn on...
by Martin | May 10, 2017 | Mount Everest 2017
So, after a few days of waiting we are going for our Summit Push tomorrow (11.05.2017). Don’t have an exact Summit day yet (maybe between 16th and 20th of May) as we need to check the weather in a few days. Once we leave tomorrow, there won’t be Internet...
by Martin | May 6, 2017 | Mount Everest 2017
After returning to BC on the 4th we started our “full body rest program” The return hike from ABC to BC (close to 17km) was quite exhausting (ony one day): So now as we have prepared our bodies we have to wait for the actual “Summit push”....
by Martin | May 3, 2017 | Mount Everest 2017
After finishing the rotation we spend one more day here at ABC (approx. 6380m). We are still waiting for a final schedule as the CTMA (China Tibet Mountain Association) is still discussing about who is fixing the ropes for the last section (8300m – 8848m). There...
by Martin | May 2, 2017 | Mount Everest 2017
After two nights it’s time to end our first (and only rotation). All went better than expected. Yes the initial ascent to North Col. was very exhausting, but now I think this was mainly due to the heat in the down suit which is too hot for me. The small one hour hike...