So those entries are for the one week Egypt travel for my parents 50th wedding anniversary – which was exactly 50 years to this day. My sister and I were joining our parents. First time for them on a different continent 🙂


And there we go! Leaving Munich at 10°C and rain – and arriving in Cairo at 31°C and sunshine! We had a great start, everthing worked out well, except that my dad thought he lost his phone during security checks at Munich Airport.


After we arrived Mohamed and his son picked us up. We had two cars, and only after we split (dad and I, my sister and my mum) I realised that I didn’t warn mum about the traffic and different kind of driving in Cairo. She is already a bit scared when driving with my dad, even though he might be driving a bit fast from time to time (which I think I inherited) – and then Cairo traffic….


Turns out that she really enjoyed it!!! I have no explanation, but Mohamed (and also his son) made her feel safe!


Arriving at the hotel of Hebba (  and checking in we went outside a little bit and I was granted my first shisha 🙂

Great journey, also my mom got over her fear of flying (mostly) – and we only went to bed at like 1am.