I did the Heavitreetrek sections: http://www.larapintatrail.com.au/overnightwalks.html
You can find KML data there – my GPS recording app crashed again after 30km – unfortunately that KML above isn’t quite accurate as well).
It’s supposed to be a 42km and should take 3 DAYS 🙂
For me it was 42km
+ approx. 2km to get to the trailhead at Serpentine Gorge (as the taxi couldn’t go on that unpaved road)
+ approx. 1.6km for the Counts Point Lookout
+ approx. 1km from the trailend to the parking
+ approx. 3.4km in the town (hotel – subway (closed!) – pizza place – hotel)
+ a few extra km going the wrong way 🙂 (but I did see the serpentine Damn! which wasn’t on the official route 🙂 )
==> 50km !!!!! and least 1300m elevation gain (probably more – I guess 1500m).
This was such a nice hike. Amazing views – not as high as in the Alps, but very different. If you are in Alice Springs don’t miss out on that!!!
After 60km cycling yesterday I did feel my thigh quite soon but it turned out to be ok (never felt my thigh while hiking).
I couldn’t walk/run as fast as I wanted to as there were many sections were you had to go over stones or really look for the path (or a combination of both). As I only started at 8:30 (9:00 at the start of the trek) I had to make sure I make it to the end before it gets dark 🙂 – didn’t quite make it… the last 1km was already what you could consider “dark” 🙂
I met only 5 people during the whole day! The first group of 3 guys took section 9 and planed for two days… lol… 🙂
The end of the day wasn’t that great. First, once I arrived at Ormiston Gorge the taxi wasn’t there (yes, I had a taxi/driver who drove me to the start (100km from alice springs) and picked me up at the end (135km) of the track)… I waited and waited and got a bit concerned sitting there, in the dark, with no phone reception or other means of communication 🙂 … He did arrive about 1hour later… 🙂
Therefore I was only back in Alice after 9pm. I was already planing to buy one meatball sandwich, one chicken classic, and 6 (or more) beers for the evening since like noon! But after checkin at the hotel and walking (!) back to the center of the town, the subway store was closed and there was no place to buy beers after 9pm !!!!! (except pubs – but not for take away…). How bad is that!?!?!?
So no food – no beer (and the championsleague final was coming up!!!)
I only had 3 bananas and 1 snicker, 1 mars, 1 kitkat for the day… not sufficient for 50km — so I went into one of the last places that served food and got a 15″ (38.1cm) meatlover pizza. The few people left in that place came to me asking how I could kill that pizza on my own! They didn’t think I can do it 🙂 – I had 4 beers there – but they wouldn’t sell any beers to go… (and confirmed there is no way to get a beer after 9pm – and I didn’t want to go to a pub at 9:30pm local time when the game is on at 4:15am…
==> not going to do ANYTHING tomorrow (but planing for combining biking and climbing the day after)
whats “KML” ? how is your fitness coming along in general?