THANKS SO MUCH TO ANA. She really showed me the city, especially the fooooooood 🙂
some interesting things:
– apparently it is not allowed to drink alcolhol on Sunday’s in Equador – so I got my beer in a coffee cup in that first restaurant so noone can see 🙂
– I really went to a lot of churches …. my mother will be proud 🙂
– the food was really great – I do have a list and will try to update later
– I think I had the food for 5 days in just a bit over 2 days 🙂
– yes, I did try guinea pig (=Meerschweinchen) but there is better meat out there… (tried it 2 times to be sure)
– we also went to “Mitad del mundo” – where you “walk” on the equadorial line…. did the “egg experiment” (google for it 🙂 )
so nen bischen ekelig bist ja schon. *schauder*